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Multistage centrifugal blower common faults and solutions

Mar. 02, 2018

Multistage centrifugal fan in the industry has an important application in the usual common problems and solutions we do finishing Description:

A high pressure, but the volume is very small

The reasons for this phenomenon are multiple general are the following:

1, a mixed gas composition changes, dust and impurities increase, the density of the gas component is greatly increased, increasing the burden on a serious multi-stage centrifugal fan, resulting in a reduced volume.
2, where the pipeline blockage, resulting in poor air delivery, the need for timely clean up the pipeline to ensure the smooth flow of the pipeline.
3, the impeller blades so worn or motor failure, the need for timely repair.
Second, the pressure is very low, but a large displacement
For this reason, typically air density changes or pipeline rupture caused to promptly check the repair.
Third, adjust the ventilation system failure
This is usually due to damage caused by pressure gauges, pressure gauges and valves to be repaired.
Multistage centrifugal blower in use for a regular comprehensive inspection, identify problems and timely

repair to ensure the normal use of the fan.


Name:Alisa Chen
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E-mail:  dacheng@chinadicheng.com

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